Food service - Hà Nội Academy

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Food service

  • 13/03/2020

Apart from providing the comprehensive educational environment, Hanoi Academy always focuses on taking care of our students’ health and nutrition. Our menus are balanced to ensure enough nutrients, hygiene and safety, diverse in food sources to bring students happy meals.

Food service for Hanoi Academy students

Our food service is strictly controlled to ensure cleanliness and a balanced diet. Children enjoy their meals each day with a varied and nutritious menu.

Students at Hanoi Academy will be provided with 3 main meals: breakfast, lunch and snack in the afternoon. Our menus are designed to warrant sufficient energy for learning and daily activities for each age group. The menu of the school is indeed quite diverse, including both Asian and European dishes.

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Our students always patiently wait in line to pick up food; eat and chat with their friends in the canteen.

Hanoi Academy students also enjoy daily meals in the canteen with a youthful and modern design, with lots of open spaces for students comfortably chat and relax when eating. 

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The spacious buffet counter shorten the time when queueing up.

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Friendly open space

Students and parents may also see the current menu and even some from previous weeks on the school’s website.

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